torsdag 18 juni 2015

What is IB Expo Academy and IB Expo International?
IB Expo is an elaboration of musical group Isildurs Bane (IB), taking the form of a project. The band formed in 1976 and have toured internationally and released music since the 80’s, having constantly used Halland as a base for their musical activities that have involved a wide variety of musical genres and styles, performance spaces and forms of expression.
Since the mid-00’s, IB have given priority to ideas projects in which genre crossing and new technology have played an essential part. IB arranged IB Expo for the first time in 2005 with the aim of exploring communication and human interaction within the field of music, without the aid of a safety net.
In practice, IB Expo, an annual event, is a meeting with slightly more than ten musicians from different backgrounds ethnically, socially and musically. During an intense week, we all work towards two common goals: an internal process of musical self-development and an external process (working with the other musicians; doing clinics and workshops for young musicians; and performing a concert live in front of a paying audience). This working process is at once creative, interesting and rewarding but also demanding.
Beginning in 2010, IB expanded our activities to include educational days that enabled pedagogical meetings between musicians from Halland and guests from Sweden and abroad. Each of these educational days had a specific angle but with a constant focus on the here and now in music.
Starting in 2015, we are moving on and are now organizing our undertakings in three categories:
-       IB (Isildurs Bane), a musical group working on recordings, projects and performances nationally and internationally
-       IB Expo International (the event previously known as IB Expo), where IB meet musicians Swedish and international musicians to do clinics, workshops and concerts during an intense week
-       IB Expo Academy, an international project where young musicians on a skilled level meet to deepen their musicianship, share experiences with the other musicians present and learn from the clinics and workshops
The Academy
IB Expo Academy is a meeting place for young musicians, composers, producers or improvisers independent of musical background or direction. By consciously ignoring musical borders and with sensitive ears, our aim is to encourage young musicians to strengthen their musical identity.
Between October 4 – 11, you have the opportunity to develop your creativity in an intense but pleasurable way along with other young musicians. You will work together in a professional working environment in the Swedish region of Halland in a way that enables you to focus completely on your reason for being there: music.
The working methods are simple. Every participant brings music to the table, presents it to the others and organises small or large groups to play the music and schedules the rehearsals that lead up to two concerts on Friday and Saturday respectively. Besides rehearsals and concerts, you will attend clinics and workshops with internationally established musicians who will be your guest tutors at IB Expo Academy.
There is a strict limit to the number of students we can take on board. The participants are chosen via a principle of selection that stresses a broad representation with regard to music, human and social perspectives. For IB Expo as an organisation, a wide representation from a perspective of ethnicity and gender goes without saying.
We are planning two concerts for the students: Friday October 9 and Saturday October 10. More details when we meet in October! The participants will decide the repertoire for the concerts jointly.
 The repertoire
As a participant at IB Expo Academy, you are an integral part of creating a repertoire for the concerts. You bring a piece of music to the proceedings. This piece of music could be composed by you, by somebody else or it could be a model for improvising. The partakers decide which pieces will be rehearsed and performed. There is no guarantee that every piece of music will be part of the repertoire.
What is required of the IB Expo Academy participants?
IB Expo Academy is a project that emphasizes musical width, equality, openness and creative meetings. We encourage experienced sight-readers as well as skilled improvisers. In order for you to gain as much as possible from your stay with us, we believe you to have most, if not all of, the following qualifications:
-       you are aged 18-25
-       you can play an instrument skilfully
-       you are a good listener
-       you have an open mind set and regard breaking musical barriers as something positive and a matter of course
-       you bring your own instrument(s). The exceptions are large instruments such as a drum kit or a double bass for instance.
October 4 – 11 2015
Kulturhuset, Halland, Halmstad, Sweden
How to apply?
Send your application no later than July 31 2015 to:
You application must contain the following:
-       a brief description – no more than one A4 page – of yourself as a musician, composer, improviser or producer (what your have achieved musically, what style(s) of music you have worked within, your musical education et cetera).
-       a short statement of your reasons for attending IB Expo Academy
-       approximately 15 minutes of music that gives us an impression of what you or your work sounds like. The recording in itself needn’t be a professional recording, what’s important is that we can grasp your musical expression
-       tell us if you have any food allergies or if you are a vegetarian, a vegan or if there is something else we should be aware of for practical reasons
How much does it cost?
The course fee is 3 000 SKr (about € 300). All meals and a shared room are included in this. You can apply for a lower fee and help with travel costs. Do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss this with us!
Send your application and any questions you may have to:
Mats Johansson
Producer, IB Expo Academy
Phone: +46 70 950 50 17